Health & Nutrition Camps
Health & Nutrition Camps

Health & Nutrition Camps

Work on awareness & improvement of health habits and access to services. BTH visits the community and organizes health camps where services like growth monitoring, testing for minor and major ailments, supply of vitamin tablets, supply of medicines for minor ailments, and supply of nutritious food/special diet for small children are provided.

Proper nutrition and high-quality primary care are critical for a person's physical, mental, and cognitive growth. To avoid long-term and, in some cases, irreversible damage to a person's health, nourishment must be consumed on a timely, regular, and enough basis, beginning with conception.

We believe no one should suffer from malnutrition or poor health irrespective of their socio-economic background.

Our health and nutrition programs take a proactive and responsive approach to lower malnutrition, as well as India's infant mortality rate (IMR), the child mortality rate (CMR), and maternal mortality rate (MMR) (MMR).